Creepy Animals

Jumping spiders require no webs to catch a meal. Instead they use their eight eyes to track insects and other spiders. Then they leap as much as 50 times their own body length to catch their prey.
The centipede is an invertebrate, or an animal without a spine. Ninety-seven percent of all animals on Earth are invertebrates. Centipedes have long, segmented bodies, with each segment having a pair of legs. Certain kinds of centipedes can have up to 177 pairs of legs.
Vampire bats are the only mammals that live on blood! Adult vampire bats bite their victims (usually sleeping cows and horses) and drink their blood for about 30 minutes. This silent attack usually causes no major harm to the unknowing victim.
The female black widow spider in her web is twice as large as the male black widow spider (seen in the background). Female black widows are considered more dangerous than males and have even been known to bite their mates!
With bands of red, yellow, and black, a Clark's coral snake lies curled on a bed of leaves in a rain forest in Costa Rica. These snakes are shy and not usually aggressive, but their venom can be fatal.
A group of fierce caimans, a type of crocodilians, look for their next meal along a rushing river in Pantanal, Brazil. Caimans feed on fish and shellfish.

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