Sunday, May 13, 2012

Indian Peafowl

The peacock struts his stuff in a colorful display to catch the eye of a potential mate. Indian peafowl are a species in a group of birds called pheasants. The males are called peacocks, while the females are called peahens. Together, they are peafowl. Peafowl are among the largest of all birds that fly. (Ostriches, emus, and other such birds are bigger, but cannot fly.) The beautiful feathers that cover the tails of a peacock are 5 feet (1.5 meters) long—longer than the bird's body—and can be displayed in a spectacular fan of brilliant colors.  These long feathers actually grow from the bird's back not the tail. He elevates them by raising the much shorter tail feathers underneath them. The peacock's fanned tail feathers spread across its back and reach the ground on each side.

One peacock has from 100 to 150 long tail feathers. Each feather shimmers with green, blue, and gold and a pattern called an eye-spot. Why does he have such a magnificent tail? To attract a female!
Scientists think that peahens choose their mates based on the appearance of the peacocks' tail feathers. The more brilliant his colors and display, the more likely a female will be attracted to him. The peacock struts in front of females, showing off by vibrating his feathers.  
Peahens are more drab than their male counterparts, with mostly brown on their back with a white belly. Females don't have long tail feathers, but they do have a crest on their head and green neck feathers.
Indian peafowl are native to India and Sri Lanka, in South Asia. They've been introduced to other countries, usually as exhibits in parks, zoos, and nature centers or as domestic pets. 
In the wild, peafowl usually live in open forests and woodlands, generally near streams or rivers. Some also live in cultivated areas such as orchards.

Peafowl are big birds. They are rather weak fliers though, and spend most of their time on the ground looking for food and nesting places. Peafowl eat seeds, fruit, insects, and small animals like worms and snakes. When it's time to roost for the night, these birds fly up into tall trees.

After the peacock shows off in front of the peahens, he mates with several females that have judged him to be worthy. The male doesn't have anything to do with caring for the eggs or raising his young. 
Each peahen generally lays from three to five eggs. She incubates them until they hatch about a month later. The chicks hatch ready and able to follow their mother right away. She leads them to places where they can find food. The chicks mimic their mother as she pecks at food, quickly learning what and how to eat.
The scientific name of the Indian peafowl is Pavo cristatus.

An Indian peafowl lives to be about 20 years old in the wild.

A group of peafowl is called a party.
The Indian peafowl is also called the common peafowl or the blue peafowl.

The peacock is India's national bird.
People around the world keep peafowl as domesticated animals because they are so pretty.

Peafowl have a loud screeching call. 
Close relatives of Indian peafowl, Javanese peafowl live from Burma to Java, Indonesia, in Southeast Asia. The Javanese peafowl is also known as the green peafowl. Peafowl are closely related to turkeys.

One peacock has from 100 to 150 long tail feathers. Each one measures approximately 5 feet (1.5 meters) long.

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