Saturday, May 12, 2012

The Beluga Arctic Ocean's Coastal Waters

The beluga, or white whale, is one of the smallest species of whale. Their distinctive color and prominent foreheads make them easily identifiable. Unlike most other whales, the beluga has a very flexible neck that enables it to nod and turn its head in all directions.
Belugas like to spend a lot of time at the surface spyhopping and slapping their tails.Young belugas are called calves. When they are born, they are gray or even brown and only fade to white at around five years old. Belugas are the size of large dolphins and range in size from 13 to 20 feet (4 to 6.1 meters) in
length. They are toothed whales. They have rounded bulbous foreheads and no dorsal fin. They often have thick folds of blubber on their bellies.
Belugas generally live together in small groups known as pods. They are social animals and very vocal communicators. Their diverse language has human-like qualities and includes clicks, whistles, and clangs. Belugas can also mimic a variety of other sounds.
These whales are common in the Arctic Ocean's coastal waters, but they are found in sub-Arctic waters as well. Arctic belugas migrate southward in large herds when the sea freezes over. Animals trapped by Arctic ice often die, and they are prey for polar bears, killer whales, and for Arctic people. 
They are hunted by native people of the Arctic and have been overhunted by commercial fisheries. Some beluga populations have declined drastically in the Gulf of St. Lawrence due to fishing.
Belugas eat fish, crustaceans, and worms. The whale is related to the tusked "unicorn" whale known as the narwhal. The beluga is not related to the fish of the same name, which is often fished for its famous caviar. 
Fast Facts
The scientific name for belugas is Delphinapterus leucas.

Belugas are mammals and are carnivores because they like to eat meat.

They have bulbous foreheads called a melon. A beluga’s heart can weigh 12 pounds.

Calves stay close to their mothers and they have been seen riding on their backs.

They live for 35 to 50 years in the wild.

Belugas are on the small side for whales, They are usually 13 to 20 feet (4 to 6.1 meters) long. The largest male belugas are about 3,000 pounds (1,361 kilograms) and females are about 1,900 pounds (862 kilograms).

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