Different species prefer the blood of particular animals. Some mosquitoes feed only on snakes, frogs, or other cold-blooded animals. Other mosquitoes prefer birds. Still others prefer cows, horses, and people.
Like most insects, mosquitoes have two compound eyes, each of which contains thousands of six-sided lenses that point in all different directions and move independently. Mosquitoes can’t focus their eyes like people. Instead, their eyes stay open to help them detect quick movements.
Most female mosquitoes lay their eggs—up to 200 at a time, depending on the species—in water or near it, although not all species must hatch their eggs in water. Favorite places to lay eggs include any place that water pools, such as marshes and swamps, plus tree holes, discarded containers, and poorly maintained swimming pools.
Transparent parts that cover the mosquito egg keep it from sinking. In warm weather, most eggs hatch within three days.
More than 3,000 species of mosquito exist worldwide, even in the Arctic. The scientific name for the common house mosquito is Culex pipiens. The yellow fever mosquito is Aedes aegypti.
Scientists put mosquitoes in the “fly” category of insects because mosquitoes have two wings.
Mosquitoes use their long antennae to hear and smell. Female antennae are covered with soft, fine hair. Male antennae are covered with bushy hair.
Most mosquitoes grow to about a quarter inch (six millimeters).
The word mosquito means “little fly” in Spanish.
Most mosquitoes grow to about a quarter inch (six millimeters).
The word mosquito means “little fly” in Spanish.
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