Saturday, May 12, 2012

Caribou or reindeer Europe

Caribou are called reindeer in Europe. Everyone's favorite Christmas sleigh guide, Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer, could be called Rudolph the Red-Nosed Caribou! Caribou are mammals that live in the northern regions of Europe, North America, Asia, and Greenland. When snow begins to fall, caribou move south and travel to more sheltered climes where can they feed on moss or lichens.
These members of the deer family dig for food using their large hooves. The underside of each hoof is hollowed out like a big scoop and allows the caribou to dig through snow in search of food. Caribou also use their hooves to paddle through chilly northern rivers and lakes.
The sharp outer edges of their hooves also help them to hold on to ice or rocks. Caribou are the only members of the deer family in which the males and females both can grow antlers.
Caribou trek north in the summer in one of the largest animal migrations on Earth. They travel more than 600 miles (965 kilometers) along well-traveled routes. They spend the summer feeding on grasses, mushrooms, and plants in the tundra.
They begin to move south in the winter and over one year they will have migrated over 1,600 miles (2,574 kilometers). One adult caribou eats about 12 pounds (5 kilograms) of food each day.
Caribou are hunted by indigenous northern people throughout much of their range. Woodland caribou are listed as endangered, but other caribou populations are stable.
Fast Facts
The scientific name for the caribou is Rangifer tarandus.

Caribou are mammals.

They are herbivores (plant eaters).
Male antlers can grow five feet (1.52 meters) long. Males lose their antler velvet in late summer and their antlers fall off in October.

In the wild, caribou live about 15 years.

They are 4-5 feet (1.2 to 1.5 meters) tall at the shoulder.
Caribou weigh from 240 to 700 lbs. (109 to 318 kg).

Females are called cows.

Young caribou are called calves. Cows have one calf per year.

Calves can stand a few minutes after birth and they are able to move on with their mother by the next day.
Caribou migrate over 1,600 miles (2,574 kilometers) each year.

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