they are found in the wild. Adult Tasmanian devils
are usually about the size of a small dog. They have coarse brown or black fur and a pudgy appearance that makes them look like baby bears. But don't let their cuteness fool you. They have sharp teeth and strong, muscular jaws that can deliver one of the most powerful bites of any mammal on Earth.
Most devils have a white stripe or patch on their chest and spots on
their sides or rear end. Males are usually a bit bigger than females.
Tasmanian devils are strictly carnivorous, surviving on small prey and
frequently feasting on already dead animals, called carrion. When they
are well fed, they store fat in their tails.
The most famous characteristic of the Tasmanian devil, though, is its feisty personality. When threatened, a devil will lunge at its attacker, shriek, howl, bare its teeth, and often spin around in circles like the cartoon Taz. Devils will also display these behaviors when trying to join in as other devils are eating an animal carcass or fighting for a mate.
Tasmanian devils are nocturnal animals, spending their days alone in hollow logs, caves, or burrows, and emerging at night to feed. They use their excellent sense of smell and sight to avoid predators and locate prey and carrion. They are voracious eaters and will consume everything—including hair, organs, and bones.
Like all marsupials, Tasmanian devil mothers give birth to very tiny young (about the size of a raisin). Once born, the babies crawl up the mother's fur and into her pouch, where they attach themselves to a nipple and feed until they are ready to emerge, usually after about four months.
Thousands of years ago, devils lived throughout mainland Australia. Scientists think they became extinct there after Asian dogs, called dingoes, were brought to the continent. In 1941, the government made devils a protected species. Since then, their numbers have grown greatly, and they've become a beloved symbol of the island. Tragically, since the mid-1990s, a catastrophic disease has killed thousands of Tasmanian devils. Called devil facial tumor disease (DFTD), this fatal condition is a rare contagious cancer that causes lumps to form around the animal's mouth and head, making it hard for it to eat. Scientists are working hard to find a way to stop the spread of DFTD before it wipes the species out.
The scientific name for the Tasmanian devil is Sarcophilus harrisii, which means Harris' meat lover. When threatened or excited, the ears of a Tasmanian devil turn bright red. An angry Tasmanian devil will often point its tail straight up in the air. Tasmanian devils' bodies are usually between 20 and 31 inches (51 and 79 centimeters) long. Tasmanian devils are notoriously fierce, and they will often attack prey many times their own size. Young Tasmanian devils are excellent climbers. As they get older and heavier, they Devils came to Tasmania tens of thousands of years ago when ocean levels were lower and there was a land connection with Australia.Tasmanian devils are actually quite timid, preferring escape to confrontation. One of the Tasmanian devil's favorite foods is the wombat.
are usually about the size of a small dog. They have coarse brown or black fur and a pudgy appearance that makes them look like baby bears. But don't let their cuteness fool you. They have sharp teeth and strong, muscular jaws that can deliver one of the most powerful bites of any mammal on Earth.

The most famous characteristic of the Tasmanian devil, though, is its feisty personality. When threatened, a devil will lunge at its attacker, shriek, howl, bare its teeth, and often spin around in circles like the cartoon Taz. Devils will also display these behaviors when trying to join in as other devils are eating an animal carcass or fighting for a mate.
Tasmanian devils are nocturnal animals, spending their days alone in hollow logs, caves, or burrows, and emerging at night to feed. They use their excellent sense of smell and sight to avoid predators and locate prey and carrion. They are voracious eaters and will consume everything—including hair, organs, and bones.
Like all marsupials, Tasmanian devil mothers give birth to very tiny young (about the size of a raisin). Once born, the babies crawl up the mother's fur and into her pouch, where they attach themselves to a nipple and feed until they are ready to emerge, usually after about four months.
Thousands of years ago, devils lived throughout mainland Australia. Scientists think they became extinct there after Asian dogs, called dingoes, were brought to the continent. In 1941, the government made devils a protected species. Since then, their numbers have grown greatly, and they've become a beloved symbol of the island. Tragically, since the mid-1990s, a catastrophic disease has killed thousands of Tasmanian devils. Called devil facial tumor disease (DFTD), this fatal condition is a rare contagious cancer that causes lumps to form around the animal's mouth and head, making it hard for it to eat. Scientists are working hard to find a way to stop the spread of DFTD before it wipes the species out.

The scientific name for the Tasmanian devil is Sarcophilus harrisii, which means Harris' meat lover. When threatened or excited, the ears of a Tasmanian devil turn bright red. An angry Tasmanian devil will often point its tail straight up in the air. Tasmanian devils' bodies are usually between 20 and 31 inches (51 and 79 centimeters) long. Tasmanian devils are notoriously fierce, and they will often attack prey many times their own size. Young Tasmanian devils are excellent climbers. As they get older and heavier, they Devils came to Tasmania tens of thousands of years ago when ocean levels were lower and there was a land connection with Australia.Tasmanian devils are actually quite timid, preferring escape to confrontation. One of the Tasmanian devil's favorite foods is the wombat.
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